How to find us

Our dropzone lies right next to the highway A2 and is only 40 minutes away from Vienna. We have a parking area available.


Flugfeldgürtel 5 - intersection - Heinrich Sauer-Gasse
2700 Wiener Neustadt
If you ever have to ask for directions be aware that there are two airfields in Wiener Neustadt. We are on the WEST-field, the military one.



Via A2 Exit Wöllersdorf

Take this exit if you are travelling from Vienna.
  • Take A2 exit Wöllersdorf
  • In the roundabout go left, toward Wr. Neustadt.
  • In the roundabout after the next one go right.
  • Go straight through all following roundabouts until the crossway where a Honda dealer is on your right. Turn left there. You are on Flugfeldgürtel now.
  • After a few hundred meters you find the entrance to the airfield on your left. Attention: From now on aircraft might cross. You have to give way!
  • At the end of the road turn left, through the gate. After 100 meters our parking area is right to you.

Via A2 Exit Wr. Neustadt West

Take this exit, if you come from the south.
  • Take A2 exit Wr. Neustadt West.
  • At the exit turn right, toward Wr. Neustadt.
  • At the next roundabout ("Jet" gas station) go left. You are on Zehnergürtel now.
  • Now go straight for a couple of roundabouts and crossways. At the last crossway (Honda dealer on your left), go straight as well.
  • After a few hundred meters you find the entrance to the airfield on your left. Attention: From now on aircraft might cross. You have to give way!
  • At the end of the road turn left, through the gate. After 100 meters our parking area is right to you.

By Train

The main train station of Wr. Neustadt is only 5 minutes away - Taxis are on stand-by there.
The Wr.Neustadt north-station (Wr.Neustadt Nord) is only a 10 minute walk away.